Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Cascading Style Sheets

This site is a great resource for CSS. IT offers tutorials, an online editor, gives examples, has a short 20 question quiz to test your CSS knowledge, and much more. This site is set up in mini chapters and it walks through each step and explains what and how everything works. Everything there is to know or learn about CSS can be found here.  

Monday, September 10, 2012

Validating Website Files

The following link will take you to The W3C Markup Validation Service where you can upload the file you created in order to find any errors that might be in your file. If there is an error, you can correct the file and resubmit to be sure that the file is good to go.

RIM Professionals

The following site is a great resource for RIM professionals. This includes tools to help bridge the gap between RIM and upper management within your organization.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Great Websites

I love learning about history and the new events of today. The National Geographic site is great for getting all of this in one spot. I also enjoy this site for the travel ideas that it gives. One of the most appealing features about this site is the fact that there are slide shows of photos on nearly every page that are intriguing and lead the eye to want more.

One of my favorite sites is Amazon because it is so simple to use. I love using it for my shopping needs. The search box is conveniently located at the top of the site to help customers find the products that they are looking for. The navigation of the site is so user friendly you can find what you are seeking very quickly.

The Beginning

A lot of the information from chapter 1 sounds familiar. I can't wait to get to chapter 2 to learn HTML Basics. This class is great - we are getting real hands on experience and there is so much to learn on this journey.